Mentor United Methodist Church

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Third Grade Bibles

To mark your child’s promotion to Third Grade, Mentor United Methodist Church would like to give them the gift of a Bible on August 25, and we hope you’ll make plans to attend on that day so that they can receive their Bible. Parents, grandparents, and godparents are all invited to witness this special occasion.

There will be a breakfast and practice on Saturday, August 24 from 9:00-10:30 AM.  Breakfast will be at 9:00 AM.  Following the meal, we will run through the worship service so that you will know how the Bible presentations will go.  Please sign up, so that we can make the necessary arrangements for the morning and for the service.  If you are interested in participating in this special day, please choose the service that best suits your day either the 9:00 in the Modern Service or 11:00 in the Traditional Service.  We are asking everyone who is planning on participating to sign up no later than August 18. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Pastor Tammy:

If you do not or can not participate in the Bible presentations, you can still receive one for your third grader by getting in touch with Pastor Tammy.