Mentor United Methodist Church

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Current Events

Pastor Steve Mealtrain

While Pastor Steve’s wife, Cara, recovers from surgery this coming week, there is a MealTrain set up to help the family. You can also send cards (call the church office for the address).

Bishop Jung Visit on Feb

Join us in worship on February 23rd when Bishop Jung comes to preach during 9 AM Modern and 11 AM Traditional. Bishop Jung’s current bio can be found on the East Ohio Conference website here.

New Year’s Letter

Hello Members & Friends of Mentor United Methodist Church,
On behalf of the pastors and staff at MUMC, I wish you a happy and blessed New Year!

I continue to be grateful beyond words for the opportunity to serve as one of the Sr. Pastors at Mentor UMC. You are an incredible church! As I reflect on the past year, there are too many blessings and God-signs to count. However, you can read some of the highlights included in the Pastors’ Report and the Lay Leaders’ Report for Charge Conference linked below.

I am excited to see all that God has in store for MUMC in 2025. As I have been praying about the coming year, I feel God has placed a prayer and a vision on my heart. I shared this with Pastor Ivy and Pastor Tammy. Their positive response gave further affirmation that this prayer and vision is truly of God. It is simple. I invite you to consider making it your own. Just three things:

1. Immerse ourselves in scripture
2. Devote ourselves to prayer
3. Commit ourselves to spiritual practices

Imagine everyone at MUMC embracing to some degree this vision in the new year! Imagine the impact on our lives individually and collectively as a church. I know that many of you are already doing these things in your own ways which I celebrate. Keep on doing what you are doing and invite others to join you! Some of you may be feeling God nudging you to take a new step in your faith journey in this new year. I hope you will follow that nudge!

Pastor Ivy, Pastor Tammy, and I invite you to join us in one or more of the ways we are personally embracing this vision. Details are shared below as well as a video: 

Immerse ourselves in scripture:
-Pastor Steve will be leading Disciple Bible Study 1 on Thursdays from 4:00-6:00 PM starting January 16th at the church
-Pastor Tammy will be leading Disciple Bible Study 1 Fast Track on Tuesdays at 6:00-7:15 PM starting January 7th
-Pastor Ivy will be reading the Bible Genesis through Revelation using The Bible Year by Magrey DeVega ( Participants are invited to be part of a digital group on the app “Slack”
-Other Disciple Bible Study opportunities include Syndie Toth leading Disciple 1 on Mondays from 10 AM - 12 PM and Lucas & Wendy Rhoads leading Disciple 2 on Thursdays from 7-9 PM.

Devote ourselves to prayer:
-Pastor Steve will be praying daily and while fasting once a week for 24 hours. You can be part of a chat on Slack to keep in touch if you choose to do the same or similar. He may also utilize different prayer resources throughout the year which he will share before using – such as during Lent.
-Pastor Tammy will be using Praying in the Wesleyan Spirit: 52 Prayers for Today by Paul Chilcote ( Participants are invited to be part of a digital group on the app “Slack”
-Pastor Ivy will be including prayers daily as she engages The Bible Year. Participants are invited to be part of a digital group on the app “Slack”

Commit ourselves to spiritual practices:
Spiritual practices are practices that for centuries have shown to help people experience God’s presence and grow in faith. They include:
-Holy Conferencing (engaging in conversations with others with an open
mind and heart humbling seeking to understand and connect)
-Mission Work
-Prayer Walks (praying for others and yourself as you walk a neighborhood
or in the woods or park)
-Creative Process – (painting, writing, sculpting, composing, knitting,
sewing, etc.)
-Affirming (intentionally looking for God at work in others and affirming it by
letting them and others know)

These are just some spiritual practices. I would love to hear some of the practices that you find most helpful.

I pray that each of you will hear God’s call on your heart to know the next step in your faith journey and that you will be encouraged, equipped, and empowered to take that next step. However you decide to nurture your faith in 2025, I hope you will make a priority to begin the year by attending the following two events:
Shepherding Summit: Wednesday, January 15th, from 6:30-8:30 PM at Mentor UMC
Healthy Congregations Workshop: Saturday, February 8th, from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM at Mayfield UMC (Register & learn more by clicking here)

Blessings to you in this new year!

Pastor Steve

Click here to read the Charge Conference Report.

Click here to read the Lay leaders report.

Click here to join Slack.

Read the Bible in a Year

Read a scripture a day in 2025.

You can follow along by purchasing DeVega’s book, “The Bible Year” (found on Aamzon, Barnes & Noble, anywhere books are sold) or you can follow Pastor Ivy’s monthly updated guide here or on the slack channel linked below. Pastor Ivy bases her guide on DeVega’s book. Join ANY TIME throughout the year!

Stay in touch with others who will be doing this by joining the slack channel:
If link does not work, email the office or Pastor Ivy and we will add you to the channel via email address!

Slack is a communication & sharing platform where you can chat and discuss in a group setting! Download the app on your phone or computer by searching “Slack” in your app store. We are using the FREE version so do NOT purchase anything.

Disciple Bible Study

Beginning in the new year, we will start Discipleship Bible studies. Pastor Steve will lead a Disciple 1 class on Thursdays, 4-6 PM starting January 16th. Syndie Toth will lead Disciple 1 on Mondays from 10-12 PM and Lucas & Wendy Rhoads will lead Disciple 2 on Thursdays from 7-9 PM. This will go all 2025, with a break in the summer. Pastor Tammy will facilitate the fast track version, which is 24 weeks. The prayer is to have 100 plus people involved to learn more about the Bible. Register here.

Healthy Congregations Workshop

Equipping leaders to prevent destructive conflict and continue the path set before them by Christ.

When:  February 8, 9:00-4:00
Where:  Mayfield UMC 7747 Mayfield Rd, Chesterland, OH 44026
Who: Clergy, Church Leaders, Church Members
Download flyer here.

ALL are invited to join us on Saturday, February 8th from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM at Mayfield UMC (7747 Mayfield Rd, Chesterland, OH 44026) for a special workshop with lunch & 15 minute breaks included. This workshop is about understanding the church as a system of relationships. It helps church members, leaders, staff and pastors recognize how anxiety works in a system and equips us to be better non-anxious leaders that elevate the health of the whole Body of Christ. The cost is $15 and can be paid by cash or through our online giving.

The cost is $15 and can be paid by cash or through MUMC’s online giving: (click “Healthy Congregations” on the Fund dropdown). This fee covers the cost of materials you will receive. Lunch is provided through support from Northern Waters District & District Churches.

This Workshop Will Help You/Your Church

  • Learn how to positively influence the health of your congregation
  • Learn how to keep anxiety from being infectious
  • Gain confidence in responding to challenges and opportunities
  • Learn how to limit invasive behavior, manage reactivity, and overcome sabotage
  • Learn to focus on strengths, resources, options, and the future

  • Who Will Benefit

  • Clergy who are interested in learning a proactive approach to managing anxiety in their church
  • Church lay leaders who want to gain confidence in their position and how to best manage challenges
  • Anyone interested in learning how to manage self and become a positive representative for the church

  • Workshop Leader – Rev. Jay Wittmeyer

    Executive Director of the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center, Jay Wittmeyer, will present the workshop. Rev. Jay Wittmeyer is an educator, organizational development consultant, and mediator with broad experience, serving conflicted churches and organizations in the U.S. and international settings. Grounded in an Anabaptist peace-building tradition and working from a Bowen family systems perspective, LMPC works to transform conflict in a healthy manner. Learn more about The Lombard Mennonite Peace Center (LMPC) here:

    Please register here

    Support Acknowledgements
    This workshop typically cost participants up to $99 per person. Because of the support of the Northern Waters District and the following churches, this event is available to participants for just the cost of the printed materials each will receive.

  • Mentor UMC
  • Mayfield UMC
  • Painesville UMC
  • North Mentor/Willoughby UMCs
  • Rocky River UMC
  • Strongsville UMC

  • For questions, contact Mentor United Methodist Church:
    MUMC Office Hours:
    Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

    Now Hiring!

    Mentor United Methodist Church is hiring a part-time Director of Modern Worship. This integral role supports the mission of MUMC: to lead all onto a path of Christ-centered discipleship—KNOW the love of God in Jesus Christ; GROW in their love for God; SHOW God’s love by serving others. This PATH of Discipleship will result in a church that lives out Christ-like qualities and helps transform communities. Check out the details below!

    Part-time Director of Modern Worship

    Elevate Worship, Inspire Faith: Become Our Director of Modern Worship

    Are you a visionary leader with a passion for music, technology, and creating worship that resonates with today’s congregation? Mentor United Methodist Church is looking for a dynamic and creative Director of Modern Worship to evolve of our contemporary worship services and programs. This pivotal role is your opportunity to create engaging and meaningful worship experiences that support our mission to lead all onto a path of Christ-centered discipleship.

    If you’re eager to lead our community by planning transformative worship, utilizing your talents in music, technology, and leadership to draw hearts closer to God, then we invite you to join us. Let’s create a space where faith is deepened, spirits are lifted, and the worship experience is unforgettable. Your vision and creativity could be the key to unlocking a more profound sense of connection and devotion within our church family. Click here to apply & learn more.

    Bread, Broth, Brownies, and Bingo

    Bread, Broth, Brownies, & Bingo

    Join Mentor United Women in Faith for February’s bread, broth, and brownies luncheon! The menu includes dinner rolls, vegetable beef soup, salad, and butterscotch chip brownies. This month’s theme is “Sharing God’s Love,” and you are invited to bring any of the following items to share with Project Hope for the Homeless: 10-12 oz. disposable cups, plasticware, Lysol spray, toilet bowl cleaner, 33-gallon trash bags.

    We hope to see you on Wednesday, February 12th at noon in the MUMC Gallery! Please RSVP to, register online here, or find the signup sheet in the Info Hub.


    Blood Drives

    The next Red Cross Blood Drive is:
    Tuesday, January 14, 2025, from 9 AM to 3 PM
      Click here to make an appointment.


    March 18

    May 13

    Church History

    Mentor United Methodist Church celebrated its 200th year in 2018!
    Celebrating the past, living in the present, building for the future.


    Read the monthly Bicentennial Moments from service.


    Click here to read the monthly Through the Years column in our Steepletalk Newsletter

    Do you have any MUMC history you would like to share with the congregation?
    Please send it to:
    Don Humphrey
    7330 Holly Park Dr.
    Concord, Ohio 44060-6704 or e-mail to:
