Mentor United Methodist Church

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Children & Family Ministries

Sunday School

At Mentor UMC we are committed to developing and maturing disciples of Jesus Christ, including children! From birth through sixth grade, the children come into contact with Jesus and, alongside loving, faithful adults, they become familiar with the stories and teachings of the Bible. These gifted and talented adults encourage learning in a creative, supportive and age-appropriate environment, nurturing children's growth in faith.

Sunday Morning information

Children ages 0-5 go to the Early Childhood Area prior to the start of service; grades K-6 will begin in worship with their families and then be dismissed to the Education Wing. You can sign your children in at the sign in are in the Gallery. Look for the big green banner! Sunday school is at BOTH 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM services.


  • Treat Street
  • Saturday, October 19th from 3-5 PM in the MUMC Parking Lot. There will be CANDY, GAMES, COSTUMES! Don't miss out! To sign up to be a trunker (someone who decorates their car and hands out candy) or a volunteer (someone who runs a game/activity/helps in other ways) click here.
  • Spiritual Parenting
  • Join us on Tuesdays here at MUMC: October 1, 8, 22, 29, & November 5, 12 from 6-7 PM for a new Spiritual Parenting class using the book by Michelle Anthony. Check out the book here. Spiritual Parenting introduces the simple but revolutionary concept that parents are, by the power of God's Spirit, to obey and depend on God in order to create an environment God can use to beckon their children to Him.
    Click here for Sunday Morning Leaders sign up

    MOMCo Meetings

    Learn about meetings, activities, and more here.

    Parents Morning Out

    Parents, take a well-deserved break on Monday mornings! Learn more here.

    Positive Parenting

    Parents & Grandparents, check out this page! Information on studies and discussions can be found here.

    Truth & Light Players

    Our theatre ministry produces shows that are family friendly as well as for the whole family to participate!

    Children's Ministry Leader Resources

    Tammy has put together a list of free online resources for you to use when working with our kids!
    ⭐ For signups or registration for upcoming events, groups, or missions click here

    Find the Steepletalk archival letters from Tammy Palermo, Pastor of Children and Family Ministries, here!

    Tammy met the voice of Larry, the Cucumber at Kidmin Nation Mega Con! Mike Nawrocki was kind enough to record this video!